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Starry Sight

Writer: Jubilee LipseyJubilee Lipsey

"Behold, the star that they had seen went before them until it came to rest over the place where the Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way."

--Matthew 2:1-12

While a jealous king writhed and schemed, plotting how to hold onto power that wasn’t even rightfully his, Gentile wise men had their eyes open.

Humbly searching, diligently studying, fully awake through the watches of the night with instruments and charts, ready to record data, movements, direction. They were avid readers, meticulous writers, well-versed in ancient prophecy. Educated in the widest sense of the word. They could find their way among the stars and planets as well as across any field or plain of Earth.

But the wise men of the East took another step that few others did—they followed. They took to the dusty roads, traversing the mountains to Judea, lugging supplies and scrolls and heavy spices all the way to David’s city, months away. They put their careers, their money, their lives on the line.

Because they didn’t merely see. They understood. They knew they weren’t simply following a star. They followed a king. So, they brought gold. They followed a priest. So, they brought frankincense, the most precious of spices. They followed one who would give His life for the world. So, they brought myrrh.

They boldly did what so many refuse or fail to do—they believed what they were only beginning to understand.

Months of intense travel, dedicated study, and probing questions led to a humble house in Bethlehem, the birthplace of kings unnoticed by the world.

The glowing celestial prophecy came to rest over the One who was set apart, anointed with the oil of joy beyond His companions, even beyond David of old.

And what made the worldly king tremble with fear made the wise men rejoice “exceedingly, with great joy.” Their lavish gifts paved the way for our anticipated custom today.

The wise men instinctively saw through Herod’s false praise—just another leader claiming to believe for show while inwardly despising the prophecy.

And they looked into the face of the infant Jesus and saw the only One worthy of worship.

Men who hadn’t visited the Temple or sacrificed in Jerusalem saw more clearly than the king who was blinded by his own desire to hold onto power.

Herod had become consumed with the wrong aspect of kingship, forgetting that the one who rules is meant to be the one who serves. Meanwhile, there was a heavenly Baby born on Earth who understood that better than any man ever could. A Baby who would be obedient to the point of death, paving paths of peace, and unlocking victory in realms beyond earthly reach. A Baby who would become a Man and point the way.

And the wise men were the first Gentiles to recognize where the Hand of God was pointing—by following His handiwork in the stars. God’s message of hope for the

world was hidden in plain sight in something they’d studied for years.

Like C. S. Lewis’ definition of miracles: “written across the world in letters too big for us to see.”

And yet they saw. Because God hides His mysteries for us, not from us. And He sent His Spirit to open our eyes.

How beautiful is Christmas?

Set in Silver Christmas


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